Saturday, May 23, 2020
Accounting For Business Coursework Accounting - 3707 Words
Accounting for Business Coursework: Introduction Accounting is the comprehensive way keeping track of all financial transactions pertaining in a firm. It is considered to being the language of most firms nowadays where they are found to communicate their performances to the externals. In addition to evaluating and examining their employees performances using the information conducted by the different financial statements and reports. Therefore, learning the language of accounting is bound to being essential for almost all firms and any other parties who might be involved in a decision making role based on financial information. Over this course of study we will be enabled to a wider research which will enable us to understand the†¦show more content†¦Thus, the objectives of financial reporting are crucial because it’s a way of formally providing reports of financial actions and files within a firm to owners, stockholders, governmental tax authorities. Moreover, they provide a consistent approach for firms in order to be more transparent, avoiding any scams which might takes place within the fiscal (money related) records. Conclusively, financial accounting is the preparation of financial statements. These statements report the overall image of a firm’s accounting period presumably an annual’s. This is considered to being a legal obligation of directors and managers in getting those statements publicisied and report to shareholders in order to examine the efficiency and performance of the firm in the period of time i.e. in the year. Therefore, future strategy related decisions are seen to be made easier with the information conducted from these financial reports and statements. Nevertheless, The following statement assumes that â€Å"Every UK company registered under the Companies Act is required to prepare a set of accounts that give a true and fair view of its profit or loss for the year and of its state of affairs at the yearend (Riley J: 2012) †. Therefore, efficient financial reports are seen to be mandatory for all firms, whether it’s at a national level or even privately owned. 2) The key features and structure of a balance sheet: The balance sheet is one of the financial statements whichShow MoreRelatedUniversity of West Alabama927 Words  | 4 PagesLivingston Division of Online Programs - Business Programs With a longstanding tradition of offering quality education for over 175 years, the University of West Alabama branched out in the fall of 2002 and began offering online educational programs. Since then, online education has taken off at UWA. 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Once these practices were translated into busines s, they enabled a constant tracking of performance, setting of targets, evaluation against norms, etc. (Hoskin and Macve, 2000) Base on above understanding of administrative coordination from Chandler (1997). Hoskin and Macve (1990)’s argument that managers of a business or an organization, their major responsibility or duties including provide the administrative support, supervisionRead MorePersonal Goals Essay932 Words  | 4 Pagesand family life along with the workload of a student? The most difficult task that I had to overcome was the intrepidation of time management, since I am currently engaged in an executive position while simultaneously operating my own consulting business. Moreover, I already face difficulties in finding a balance to my life, without adding schoolwork to the mix. Some people might ask, Why do you need to get your degree when so many things are going right in your life? 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After explaining my career goals and the details of this assignment, she gladly accepted when I asked if she would be willing to conduct an interview to help me complete thisRead MoreTEXAS UNIFORM CPA EXAM PAPER1634 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿TEXAS UNIFORM CPA EXAM PAPER For many accounting students, become Certified Public Accountants (CPA) is an important objective for their career. Each state has its own rules and regulations for becoming a certified public accountant. In Texas, the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy (TSBPA) sets requirements to become a CPA. This paper will illustrate those requirements for becoming a CPA in Texas, especially focus on CPA exam, including the requirements to sit for the exam, the topics of theRead MoreAccounting Standards Boards Paper 41437 Words  | 6 PagesAccounting Standards Boards Paper University of Phoenix ACC 541â€â€Accounting theory and Research Professor: Cecil B. Lucy Lien Bach October 26, 2010 Introduction Accounting was created thousand years ago. Many companies use accounting system to record, maintain and report, and analyze business financial transactions. Because managers and investors make their business decisions based on Financial Statement, information obtained from Financial Statement must be concise and reliable. BudgetsRead MoreThe University Of A Private Higher Learning Institution Located At St. Louis County, Missouri Essay1039 Words  | 5 PagesThe Walker College of Health provides online and on-campus degree programs in nursing, music therapy, rehabilitation counseling, occupational therapy and health care management. The School of Business offers online and on-campus programs in accounting, marketing, cyber security, information systems and business administration. The university operates educational centers in Lake Saint Louis and Sunset Hills in Missouri as well as the Scott Air Force Base in Illinois. These campuses offer services andRead MoreDifferences Betwee n Management Accounting and Financial Accounting1624 Words  | 7 PagesManagerial Finance Coursework 1 STUDENT NAME †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. STUDENT NO: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦... SEMINAR TUTOR †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦... Introduction Accounting is concerned with providing both financial and non-financial information that will help decision makers to make good decisions. An understanding of accounting therefore requires an understanding of the decision making process and an awareness of the users of accounting information. The major purposes of accounting are to formulate overall
Monday, May 18, 2020
Prokaryotic Organisms Essential to Agriculture and the...
With the significant increase in global human population in recent decades, the pressure for groups of people to produce enough food and energy for everyone to consume while ensuring that these resources remain sustainable and replaceable has likewise dramatically increased. While the first several challenges produced by the rise on population were met with advances in technology, notably the Green Revolution, the continued growth of the population has placed further strains on the fields of agricultural, food, energy/environment, and biotechnology. Prokaryotic organisms, which are single- or small numbered-cell organisms that lack nuclei in their cells are essential to these fields because they provide a mechanism for current resources to†¦show more content†¦If the fruit is improperly labeled, hazardous consequences may arise. Furthermore, genetically modified foods have not existed for long enough for long-term studies to be conducted on the effects of their consumption. With the addition of genes that arise from different organisms, there is always a risk that the gene will result in misfolded proteins or proteins that serve a different purpose from the desired effect. As with exposures such as tanning or smoking, the effects of these behaviors may not be seen until several decades later, leaving consumers at risk (Fernandez-Cornejo). Environmental biotechnology includes the fields of bioremediation (cleaning up environments that have been contaminated), pollution abatement (reducing and eliminating air, water, and other pollution sources as a result of existing industrial technology), and continuing to make chemicals and biofuels that are renewable and green. Because bioremediation is inexpensive and can provide the proper environment and nutrients for the prokaryotic organisms that are used, the technology has been widely explored to clean up heavy metals (lead mercury, selenium, etc.), nuclear waste, and oil. In order for the bioremediation treatment to be effective, environmental engineers must be able to maintain favorable conditions for prokaryotic growth, usually by keeping the environment moist and full of oxygen. When conditions may be difficult to maintain, the microorganisms may be â€Å"seeded†by
Monday, May 11, 2020
Walt Disney s Influence On The Entertainment Industry
Somehow I can t believe there are any heights that can t be scaled by a man who knows the secret of making dreams come true. This special secret, it seems to me, can be summarized in four C s. They are Curiosity, Confidence, Courage, and Constancy and the greatest of these is Confidence. When you believe a thing, believe it all the way, implicitly and unquestionably. The man behind this genius statement is the one and only Walt Disney. From rags to riches, Disney made strides in the entertainment world that reshaped America’s entertainment industry, as we know it today. From cartoon strips to Disneyland, Walt Disney’s contributions to the theatre world were monumental and established him as one of the greatest entertainers in the†¦show more content†¦When told he was too young to join the army, Walt joined the Red Cross and drove ambulances in France. After Walt Disney served his time in France, he came back to America and launched his cartoon-making career. In Kansas City, Disney started of working at the Pesmen-Rubin Art Studio, a job that his brother Rob got him, there; Disney met Ubbe Eert Iwwerks-known as Ub Iwerks-a cartoonist who helped Disney launch his artistic career. When Disney and Ub Iwerks joined the Kansas City Film Ad Company, Disney’s focus shifted from newspaper ads to commercials based on cutout animation. During Disney’s time at the company, he became acquainted with cameras and hand drawn cell animations. His experience at the Film Ad Company prompted Disney to create his own ad company with Iwerks. Their first employee was Fred Harman, a cartoonist who was famous for his work â€Å"Red Ryder†, a comic strip based of the Wild West (Reynolds 90). Disney’s cartoons, named â€Å"Laugh-O-Grams†, were a huge success. Disney was able to sign a deal with local Kansas City theaters t o show their cartoons and as a result of the cartoons popularity, Disney was able to obtain his own studio, which was named after his cartoons. The Laugh-O-Grams studio acquired many other employees and it was in this studio that Walt Disney created, â€Å"Alice in Cartoonland†, a series of fairy tales that combined live action and animation. However, the good times lasted only for a Walt Disney s Influence On The Entertainment Industry Walt Disney was a very influential man to the entertainment industry. He made animation a whole new type of entertainment. Although Walt went through many struggles and problems, he pushed on and eventually saw results for all his hard work. Many hardships got in Disney’s way such as unsupportive parents and even bankruptcy; Walt pushed on through, always creating, working hard, and persevering to accomplish his dream. Walter Elias Disney was born on December 5, 1901, in Chicago, Illinois. His father, Elias, was a carpenter when Walt was born. Eventually, Elias and his wife, Flora, saved up enough money to start a home building company together. Walter had four siblings: Roy, Herbert, Raymond, and Ruth (Russell 9). Because Ruth was younger than Walt, Walt waited until the age of seven to start school so that he could start at the same time as Ruth. Before he went to school, his mother, Flora, taught him how to read (Russell 10). Walt grew up on the Disney family farm and worked hard on the farm. He worked at the neighbor’s farm- raising corn, wheat, barley, cows, pigs, and chickens (Giltin 18). Later, Elias grew sick, and the Disney’s had to sell the farm. They moved to Kansas City (Russell 11). Throughout Walter’s schooling, he loved to be on stage- directing, producing, and being on stage (Russell 11). Many things inspired Walt Disney’s creativity: moving, roaming, pla ying in the farmyard, fishing, doodling in class, and editing the school newspaper are just a fewShow MoreRelatedWalt Disney Company s Influence On The Entertainment Industry1152 Words  | 5 PagesThe Walt Disney Company has grown rapidly over time becoming one of the leading companies in the entertainment industry and continues to excel with no signs of slowing down. The Walt Disney Company has diverse operations in different aspects of the entertainment industry. Media networks, parks and resorts, studio entertainment, consumer products and interactive media are all interconnected branches of The Walt Disney Company that have expanded into global markets. Having such diverse operations amongstRead MoreWalt Disney s Influence On The Entertainment Industry1561 Words  | 7 Pagesto me, can be summarized in four C s. They are Curiosity, Confidence, Courage, and Constancy and the greatest of these is Confidence. When you believe a thing, believe it all the way, implicitly and u nquestionably. The man behind this genius statement is the one and only Walt Disney. From rags to riches, Disney made strides in the entertainment world that reshaped America’s entertainment industry, as we know it today. From cartoon strips to Disneyland, Walt Disney’s contributions to the theatreRead MoreValue Alignment1385 Words  | 6 PagesValue Alignment One company recognized worldwide for its family oriented services and performances is The Disney Company. The values instilled by The Disney Company (Disney) are one of the biggest contributers to its success. The following will discuss the origins and subsequent evolution of personal and workplace values and will explain how the individual values drive the actions and behaviors. The paper will also analyze the alignment between persoanl values and actions and behaviors as wellRead MorePeople Who Made Difference And Movie Industry932 Words  | 4 PagesPeople who made difference to movie industry Walt Disney Most of us know Walt Disney as the creator of Mickey mouse and the Disney Land, but his impact on entertainment industry goes way beyond cartoons and theme parks, Disney changed our world all together. Walt Disney, a Chicago boy who took Hollywood by storm, changed family entertainment. Not only was he the first to make full-length animated films, but he did so with critical acclaim and financial success. Few other films that are thirtyRead MoreDisney : The Culture Behind The Park1606 Words  | 7 PagesDisney: The Culture Behind the Park The lifecycle of Disney begins with a great story. The story of Disney itself is filled with characters, costumes, and lessons. Disney is known to usually start as a movie and eventually becomes books, merchandise, sequels, TV shows, and of course theme park rides. The fantasy world itself and what the theme parks offer is what specifically catches the visitor’s attention to want to come back again. Throughout all of Disney advertisements regarding theirRead MoreWalt Disney Company s Organization967 Words  | 4 Pagesto Investor Relations, The Walt Disney Company’s â€Å"exemplifies an organization composed of four strategic business units which, with the consideration of the consolidated revenue, represented roughly an enormous 35.5 billion dollars in 2007.†They are â€Å"Disney Consumer Products, Studio Entertainment, Parks and Resorts, and Media Networks Broadcasting, and these can be further subdivided into 28 categories and are composed of an overabundance of brands†(Walt Disney, 2013). The only twoRead MoreCompetitive Strategy Including the Use of Porters Five Forces Model Being Aplied on Carrefour Egypt1639 Words  | 7 Pagescompany background For more than nine decades, the name Walt Disney has been preeminent in the field of family entertainment. From humble beginnings as a cartoon studio in the 1920s to today s global corporation, The Walt Disney Company continues to proudly provide quality entertainment for every member of the family, across America and around the Disney is an American diversified multinational mass media corporation headquartered in Walt Disney Studios, Burbank, California, United States. It is theRead MoreWalt Disney Company s Organization921 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction According to investor relations, The Walt Disney Company’s exemplifies an organization composed of four strategic business units which, with the consideration of the consolidated revenue, represented roughly an enormous 35.5 billion dollars in 2007. The four SBUs are Disney Consumer Products, Studio Entertainment, Parks and Resorts, and Media Networks Broadcasting, and these can be further subdivided into 28 categories and are composed of a plethora of brands. The onlyRead MoreThe Management Of The Walt Disney Company900 Words  | 4 Pages The Walt Disney Company exemplifies an organization composed of four strategic business units (SBUs) which, with the consideration of the consolidated revenue, represented roughly a enormous 35.5 billion dollars in 2007. The four SBUs are Disney Consumer Products, Studio Entertainment, Parks and Resorts, and Media Networks Broadcasting, and these can be further subdivided into 28 categories and are composed of a plethora of brands. The only two important commonalities that can be deducedRead MoreWalt Disney Biography Essay1641 Words  | 7 Pagestrue, Walt Disney. Disney made a reputation of brilliance and [t]he combination of Disneys desire to try new techniques and his striving to make a better product set him apart from most other animators (Nardo 25). How could anyone forget classics like Mickey Mouse, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Fox and the Hound, the Little Mermaid, and many more all created by Disney? He created a cast of memorable animated and live-action characters that have been forever associated with the Disney name
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Was Freedom For African Americans - 961 Words
In 1865, slavery was abolished, by the Thirteenth amendment. This Amendment brought humongous changes and a large number of problems. (Lecture 1) After the destruction of slavery, it left nearly four million African American with no property, little training, and few rights; which made the definition of freedom for African Americans the central question on the nation’s agenda. The big question of the time period was, â€Å"what was freedom for African Americans?†(Give me liberty! An American 550) From 1865 to 1900 African Americans, despite being presumed free; blacks quickly realized they were only free from was the whippings, break-ups from their families, and sexual exploitation. (Experience History 457) African Americans were still force to live with the hostility of whites. It has taken blacks a long time to be freed from the hatred, and discrimination of white southerners, and after decades’ racism among whites still exist today. For African Americans discovering their own meaning of freedom was crucial. Establishing the meaning of free included finding a new place to work. In attempt to break the psychological ties of slavery, the changing of jobs was necessary. Possessing a full name, including a last name, that they were allowed to choose. This marked the first sign that slaves had the freedom to make a decision without white interference. Pursuing the opportunity to strengthen their family ties, meaning getting officially married because slave marriages had neverShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of the Civil Rights Leaders Essay1391 Words  | 6 Pagestheir lives and their freedom. Civil right leaders fought for equality and freedom for African Americans. Over 70% of African Americans were experiencing segregation and discrimination during the civil right movement. African Americans only had one another for support, so during this time African Americans appreciated civil right leaders. During the civil ri ghts movement, many leaders helped African Americans cope with changes that they were experiencing. Some African Americans looked up to civil rightsRead MoreAfrican Americans During The Revolutionary Era925 Words  | 4 PagesRevolutionary Era was a time for liberal reformation, independence, and a new found united states. An uprising for freedom from Britain’s tyrannic king swept through the colonies and a fight for independence was making it’s way. However, the war with Britain would be no cake walk for the new found colonies and extra reinforcement was needed. African Americans played major roles during the Revolutionary Era by participating in battles such as Lexington, Bunker Hill, and Yorktown. Some were free African AmericansRead MoreThe Reconstruction Era Was A Time For America To Heal,1375 Words  | 6 PagesThe Reconstruction Era was a time for America to heal, a time to recuperate and move forward, but certain things take longer than others. One issue that took tremendous effort was the advancement of African-Americans. Freedman were freed by law, but still mentally, socioeconomically, and socially bonded to oppression. Even after the Civil War ended, the fight wasn’t over; there was a war within the government itself, and a greater fight for freedman to achieve economic freedom without barriers. AsRead MoreBlack Codes, Redemption, And Jim Crow1042 Words  | 5 Pages†Healing to African Americans meant trying to understand their role as a citizen, reuniting family members, and establishing their new freedoms as citizens. Many problems interfered with this process. Black codes, Redemption, and Jim Crow are all examples of initial offering and then revoking of freedoms toward African Americans throughout Reconstruction. African Americans did not lose without a fight though; some even maintained it. Blacks resisted their revocation of their freedom through the developmentRead MoreNative American And Native Americans 950 Words  | 4 Pagesthrough imperialism, reconstruction and wars to pursuit their freedom. Native American’s embarked on new discoveries in America, which began conflicts with White Americans wanting control over what Native American had. Native Americans believed in freedom for the nation, but things began to change for them, when White American passed the Indians removal act. African American and Native American had similar experiences to pursuit their freedom. Both races were treated like they didn’t exist in the world;Read MoreFrederick Douglass : African American Freedom Struggle888 Words  | 4 PagesFrederick Douglass became a vital figure for the African American freedom struggle during the 1860’s with the help of the abolitionist movement. Before becoming a famous spokesman Douglass was just like every other African American slave, attempting to find a way to freedom. Douglass’ runaway slave status quickly changed when abolitionist bough t his freedom in hopes to strengthen the abolitionist movement. Since abolitionists were able to recognize Douglass’ intellectual abilities it made him a keyRead MoreAp Us History Dbq Essay730 Words  | 3 Pages1700-1800 in American History, there was one rising above all. The enslavement of the African people. While there was much debate about freedom, abolition, and all other things some African-Americans managed to find theirs. From 1775 to 1830 many African-Americans gained freedom by escaping to regions in which slavery wasn’t practiced or by purchasing it if granted while all at the same time the expansion of slavery greatly expanded in the American south. Free or enslaved, African-American were underRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Slavery On African Americans839 Words  | 4 PagesSlavery was a sad event that African Americans had to go through in America starting in the sixteen hundredths. Slavery was bad because African Americans were kidnapped from Af rica by Slave Traders and put on slave ships that enslaved African Americans. The Atlantic Slave Trade is the transportation by slave traders of enslaved African people. Mainly from Africa to America and then, Africans were sold into slavery. Innocent African Americans were captured and beaten almost to death in captivity byRead MoreThe Freedom And Freedom Of The United States1499 Words  | 6 PagesKnowing the Meaning of Freedom Freedom and liberties are the most popular and significant topic in the United States. However, what’s the freedom and who can enjoy the freedom became the controversial arguments in America during its post-civil war period. Since people with different gender, different race, and even different customs may have their own opinions and prospects of the rights they should have, white Americans, African Americans, immigrants and even women were trying to define and striveRead MoreThe Freedom Riders For African Americans1491 Words  | 6 PagesWho are the Freedom Riders you may ask? They were a courageous and daring group, which originally consisted of seven African Americans and six Whites.They fought for the equality and justice for their race. They fought against the racist South during the early 1960’s. Their goal was to make a safer and more fair world for current and future African Americans in the United States. They went through hardship and violence from things s uch as, angry mobs and racist law enforcement through a period of
Nuclear Forces, Policies, and Weapons Free Essays
The Federation of American Scientists has created the â€Å"Nuclear Forces†website, which contains interesting information on nuclear topics. Probably, the aim of creating such website was in making people aware of nuclear policies and nuclear threats in the world. Accessing the website means accessing the information and links to nuclear guides of several countries (Iran, North Korea, Ukraine, etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Nuclear Forces, Policies, and Weapons or any similar topic only for you Order Now ). It is crucial to pay attention to the website sources and resources, when its content is analyzed. The website provides the links to the two summary tables – nuclear weapons capabilities and special weapons capabilities. Objectively, it is rather difficult and problematic for the non-specialist to analyze the table of nuclear weapons capabilities. These difficulties are connected with the complex structure of the table. Simultaneously, the summary of the special weapons capabilities provides comprehensive information about the countries, which possess and can utilize the weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, chemical, biological, etc.). The table seems to lack any relevant or peer reviewed references, this is why it can hardly be used as the source of professional research. The website also provides the links to the Nuclear Notebook (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists), Nuclear Facts and Figures, etc. The information found on this website can become a starting point of any research in the area of nuclear forces, policies, or weapons. Its data can become a valuable source of information, but professional researchers should approach it very critically. This does not mean that the information is misleading. One may recommend including peer-reviewed publications into the website content. This will add professionalism to the website in general. Information on the website is organized so that it should be easily accessed and read. However, some links are outdated and require being either updated or deleted at all. In the world where nuclear technologies are updated daily, the content of such websites also requires regular reviews. Otherwise, this information will lose its relevance and utility. References Federation of American Scientists. Nuclear forces guide. Retrieved 07 January 2008 from                   How to cite Nuclear Forces, Policies, and Weapons, Essay examples
The Wedding-Planning Industry and the Commodity Frontier
Question: Discuss about The Report on Wedding-Planning Industry and the Commodity Frontier? Answer: Introduction Demography discipline actually provides one amongst most powerful indicators for integration of the immigrants otherwise ethnic groups within multicultural societies through intermarriage amid people from dissimilar national origins and ethnic background. In fact, Marriage is very important demographic as well as life course occasion that usually signals the initiation of family formation plus childbearing (Blakely, 2007). Like with births plus deaths, another vital demographic event that are marriages have been recorded with registrar of the births, deaths plus marriages in nations which keeps records of such vital events. Such records are generally referred to important registration statistics plus are one amongst most important gatherings of the demographic information for any nation. There are several ways that the couples from dissimilar cultural backgrounds could choose to anyhow celebrate their real union called marriage. For us, being into event management business it will be just so sensible to have two different weddings for doing justice to both bride as well as groom (Boag and Cuskelly, 2000). Being born plus raised in a Scottish family groom will actually prefer to have a lavish rich and very colorful wedding whereas belonging to African culture the bride will like to held a Libation ceremony that will be all about honoring elders where a prayer will have to be said plus an elder will present water otherwise liquor as offering to the God and ancestral spirits for attaining their blessing. Discussion Scottish wedding- wedding traditions in Scotland are very rich plus colorful. From wooing plus courting, through Scottish wedding event, and on into home, traditions abound along with blessings and hilarity, as well as Scottish-ness. Beginning from initiation of courting procedure, the list will have to go through traditions and customs of the Scottish weddings in proper order in which they will take place, from Groom, leading to wedding ceremony plus on through At New Home. Within every single section, traditions will have to be listed in proper order of occurrence ~ except Wedding, which will be alphabetized as per their tradition and culture (Daniels and Loveless, 2007). African wedding- In Africa weddings are a totally family affair plus involve mixing of two different lives, two dissimilar families, and at times even two diverse communities! There also are several wedding traditions within African continent and actually no two of these are accurately same. However, in every community bride plays very vital role and she is thus treated with immense respect as she becomes a connection between unborn and ancestors. Thus the as per our management bride will be treated with full respect and care. As the bride belongs to East Africa, thus grooms family will move to brides village plus will set up the whole novel house there (Embugushiki, 2010). There will be several steps that will take place just before the marriage. Both bride and groom will be trained and tips will be provided on what is the actual way to be very suitable and caring partners. The bride will be sent to circumcision schools and there some women will teach her what is actually involved in any marriage, and within few ethnic groups she will also learn the secret codes as well as languages for better communication with her partner. Being in Wolof tribe elders of village will be gathered near the bride plus will give advice as well as gifts to her (Erlank, 2014). Particulars to be taken care of: Cost- From past experience,it can be said that blending oftwo diverse cultures is always additionally expensive, regardless of the slicing done. Based on who will pay for what, the money could be a vital factor while deciding the way in which the wedding would play out. As we can get some amazing deals from several venues, it will make extra sense to anyhow go ahead plus hold the ceremonies there. As the funds will be limited, thus we will need to get best possible sellers for catering and food and every other, it will make additional sense to totally concentrate finances upon single ceremony having two different traditions and cultures (Goyal, 2010). Location- Considering that Grooms family is from Scotland and Brides from Africa it is totally agreeable to host two separate occasions at single event. Thus a sole location will be chosen for the event where both the families and relatives from both parts will be called. That way, people wouldnt feel neglected. As the bride plus groom have their families in nearer proximity, and one side that is Grooms side has a larger guest than the brides side, thus location will lay more emphasis on Grooms culture and their likings (HARRIS, 2004). Engage both the cultures- There can several fun plus creative ways for incorporating the details from every side plus help families understand each other more appropriately. Here are some areas that will be considered At reception, a good fusion of African and Scottish dishes will be presented. Food from both the backgrounds will prove to be a great way for making people from both the sides feel extra comfortable having familiar tastes, plus exploration of new cuisine will also be possible (Humble, 2009) It will be good if we explain all the rituals at each stage of ceremony, so that no guests feel that they are left out or that they are unable to understand what is actually happening It will be a great time to bring in mix of both traditional and modern music. When using traditional dances and music, emphasis will be laid on both Scottish as well as African music. There will be plenty of options for organ music customary played plus people will love the idea of arranging a piper heralding bride's arrival at ceremony. Bagpipes are also very popular, particularly for the traditional Scottish weddings, and people will find this sound tremendously moving (Lau and Hui, 2010). An advantage of this piper will be that he's amongst of those few musicians that can play upon the move, thus he can actually offer the real feeling of the occasion while he walks bride into church otherwise later on when he signals arrival of top table at reception. Many thought plus consideration would go into dance, so songs for African guests must be chosen very carefully. This wedding ceremony will be totally complete without father-daughter dance as Africans have a tradition of such dance a t all the weddings (Luts and Siimets, 2002). Infusion of own style- In midst of the incorporating of two different cultures, it will be easy to anyhow forget that the bride and the groom have their own sole styles, too. We never want it to get diminished and proper will be taken as to the likings of both bride and the groom will have to be maintained properly. Get help plusstay organized- We can get lot of help from the brides Mom and Grooms mom as well. They might play a vital role in explaining all the details of the wedding and also their traditions and cultures. The help from families can help us understand the culture better and planning can be better (Mead, 2007). Communicate- For the bride, this wedding will be inherently a matter that will involve lot of spending and also will demand time, she will also spend time interacting with the friends and relatives. And they will all seem to provide advice for her. While dealing with the family especially the soon-to-be in-laws, it will be important for her to consider the lovable ones feelings but she will need to have final say in the decision. Giving the bride proper time to appropriately reach out as well as listen to things that are important to prevents any type of misunderstandings otherwise unfulfilled desires later on. And as this is a multicultural wedding this will be doubly true. Proper care will be taken that any of the sides do not feel neglected and hurt. It will be made sure that the bride and groom both chat with each others family members to guarantee that everything is well executed in the way which respects plus honors both the backgrounds (Mehndiratta, 2008). Keep things within the viewpoint of both parties- Until we start planning for wedding, we will not realize to what extent the wedding has come to look like a proper competitive sport. The bride might feel like she wants to have the best, and most creative, stunning, and unique, as well as perfectly-crafted ceremony that would unfold flawlessly, just like a movie. It will be very easy to anyhow get enfolded up in such mindset and initiate hunting down the vintage typewriters, perfect shade fir everything, thousands of the masons jars, and refuse to anyhow rest until it is all "perfect." Such pressure could also intensify when we will be planning this multicultural wedding. As there's nothing really wrong when having some cool wedding facts, it will be important to all time remember that every detail "stuff" also is minor to the reason why we are doing all this in first place. Thus before undertaking anything each and every bit must be discussed with both the families (MEIKLE, 1999). Parking and Traffic Management It will be very important that management of crowd is done efficiently and it must be ensured that all this never ends up in any type of conflict. It will be necessary to ensure that smooth running of event takes place. Managing 300 guests will not be an easy task. So everything needs to be anyhow considered like crowd profile and parking. In selecting the location we will consider the extent to which it will be easy for people to attain access and also that what extent of car parking amenities will be made available. As 300 guests will arrive to the event there is an assumption of about 200 cars arriving at the party. For this we will make arrangement for parking of some 250 cars (WEISS and WELZ, 2014). Unplanned plus uncontrolled access as well as egress to the site can result in some serious accident. Stewards will be needed to direct people for the parking locations and setting of the cars in the parking zones. Both traffic flows as well as pedestrian routes will have to be taken into consideration. Good and efficient people will be required to manage the traffic and the cars. Conclusion: Our roles as the event organizers will demand full care and extra concern for the event and all the facts detailed above will have to be considered. Being an event organizer we will have several vital roles as well as duties which will have to be accomplished. In this event, the typical duties would usually include:- To research current market for identifying whether there are prospect for this form of events or not. That is all about searching whether the community of the location accepts such multicultural marriages or not . To properly communicate with the clients for determining their precise requirement for the event. We will need to anyhow create a methodical and complete proposal for event. This will include: - timelines and venues, suppliers, staffing, budgets and also legal obligations. We will need to set and agree as well as control the budget We will even need to properly book the venue for these events so that any clash does not take place in the peak moment. We will also need to fully guarantee that insurance, safety, legal and health requirements are stick on We will need to coordinate the venue management, contractors, caterers and stand designers as well as equipment hire. We will have to plan room layouts as well as schedule entire workshops. The ultimate straw of role of this event organizer will be that he/she will have to supervise disassemble as well as removal of event and even ensure about the clearing of venue competently after completion of the wedding event that took place in the venue. Thus, event management at a multicultural wedding will never be an easy task, yet few cautions and simple tactics can make the planning proper and one that can be relied upon. Also these strategies have been strictly followed. References Blakely, K. (2007). Busy Brides and the Business of Family Life: The Wedding-Planning Industry and the Commodity Frontier. Journal of Family Issues, 29(5), pp.639-662. Boag, A. and Cuskelly, G. (2000). 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