Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Same-Sex Adoption Essay example - 930 Words
Change the World Imagine that you are with the person of your dreams. They are smart, sweet, intelligent, your parents even approve of them. You have gotten to the point in your relationship where you want to have a family, but like lots of families in the US, you are not able to conceive a child, so you do what any loving couple would do, you try to adopt a child. You get dressed up, get your papers together and go to the adoption agency only to find out that it is illegal for you to adopt a child. One of the most controversial issues surrounding American today is allowing same-sex couples to adopt a child. Over the last decade, America has seen a frequent number of people â€Å"come out†in their lives. Because of this, we have seen more†¦show more content†¦Which leaves 35 states where gay couples aren’t sure how likely an adoption petition will pass (Ruggeri). For over 30 years Florida has been very outspoken about their views on gay, especially ever since Anita Bryant was campaigning against gay and lesbian rights in 1977. Florida courts argue that â€Å"children are better off raised in a two parent heterosexual household†(Beige). There are no proven facts that children are raised better with straight parents. It should be the other way around, Beige proves with â€Å"scientific studies show children who’ve been raised with one or two parents who are gay or lesbian fare just as well emotionally and socially.†Beige also s tates that critics who are against gay adoption will argue children who are raised by gay or lesbian parents will be subjected to harassment and ridicule. Then again, aren’t the majority of children subject to being harassed in school? According to the Rainbows Families Council there research has found that gender role behavior is the same i.e. children playing the gender typical games, same games such as football, basketball, and also found no difference in the child in academically intelligence and physically. Also they found that the children’s emotional function was no different. Along with Rainbows Families Council, Paige Averett, an assistant professor of social work at East Carolina University, said in a statement, â€Å"We found that sexual orientation of the adoptive parentsShow MoreRelatedAdoption With Same Sex Couples1162 Words  | 5 PagesNovember 2017 Adoption with Same-sex Couples Adoption is when a child is removed from their home and are now under protection of another family. They can be related or unrelated to the child. It can be great for children, as they can live a better life than they would have had with their birth parents. The children may have endured abuse or neglect and need to get out of the situation, or the parents could have not thought that they were able to take care of the child. Either way, adoption is made toRead MoreSex Marriage And Same Sex Parental Adoption1482 Words  | 6 Pages2017 The topics of same-sex marriage and same-sex parental adoption have been controversial and ongoing topics in recent years, which is a drastic change in mainstream society. People of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LBGT) community have had a difficult time in gaining visibility and equal civil liberties, one of which is marriage equality. Same-sex couples have only recently been recognized under the law as legal candidates for marriage rights, and adoption is now an additionalRead More Same Sex Parenting and Adoption Essay1902 Words  | 8 PagesAdoption for same sex couples is a very controversial topic in Family Law, and often same sex couples face many unique issues if they wish to adopt. Many states have different laws that apply for gay and lesbian adoption, as opposed to heterosexual couples. Several states also have special rules that apply when a child is born into a gay or lesbian partnership. Gay and lesbian couples may sometimes opt to bring a child into th eir lives through conception and birth as well. For a lesbian couple, thisRead MoreEssay on Same Sex Couples Adoption Rights2243 Words  | 9 PagesShould Same Sex Couples Have the Same Adoption Rights as Heterosexual Couples? Krystal Davis COM/220 March 13, 2012 Barbara Plyler Should Same Sex Couples Have the Same Adoption Rights as Heterosexual Couples? In 2008, President Barack Obama stated there are too many children who need loving parents to deny one group of people adoption rights (eQuality, 2005). A child will benefit from a healthy, loving home, whether the parents are gay or not (eQuality, 2005). With thatRead MoreEssay about Same-Sex Marriage and Adoption Should Be Legal703 Words  | 3 PagesSame-sex marriage and adoption should be legal, it should be allowed in every state, everywhere. As of 2014, only 17 states have legalized marriage rights to same-sex couples. The other 34 states have banned gay marriage through law, constitutional amendments, or both. For example, the Pennsylvania Governor won’t challenge overturning of same-sex marriage ban. State Attorney General Kathleen Kane has also announced that she will not defend Pennsylvanias same-sex marriage ban because of what sheRead MoreIts Time for Legalization of Same Sex Adoption Around the Country1352 Words  | 6 Pagessuccess of the children, and future generations. How can we say that when thousands of children are in foster care to this day? To confront this problem states must realize that adoption to homosexuals is a great opportunity, not by just giving children homes, but also allowing them to experience the lifestyle that same-sex patents present. In addition, the government has to realize that religion should not play a role in whether or not gays should be able to adopt as a couple. People always say theyRead MoreSame Sex Adoption609 Words  | 3 PagesRiley Dugan English III Mrs. Johnston May 13, 2014 Same-Sex Adoption Throughout the past few years, the subject of same-sex adoption has been caught in the crosshairs, due to the fact that it is a particularly controversial topic. Many people have the idea that a child cannot be raised properly without the traditional upbringing of both a man and a woman as parents. While the traditional form of parenthood is great, a same-sex couple can also sufficiently raise a child to become a moral, strongRead MoreSame Sex Adoption1409 Words  | 6 Pagesgays and lesbians have the same rights to adopt as heterosexuals? The laws of most states permit an unmarried person to be an adopted parent. However, many states have enacted laws limiting and in some cases prohibiting, lesbian and gay men from adopting. Adoption of children by lesbian and gay men remains controversial. A court must first find that the best interest of the child will be served by the adoption. Some courts have strongly rejected the notion that adoption by a lesbian or gay parentRead MoreSame Sex Adoption Is Controversial1443 Words  | 6 PagesSame-Sex Adoption Since the 1990’s approximately 8-10 million children in the US alone are raised in a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender (LGBT) household. Same-Sex Adoption is controversial because many people throughout the world are against LGBT adoption; but when faced with the number of kids who pray everyday for someone out there wanting to be the parent of a foster child, it is difficult to understand why the topic of gay adoption is controversial. Yes, there can be a bad outcome butRead MoreGay Parent Adoption And Same Sex Adoption1851 Words  | 8 Pages Gay parent adoption or same-sex adoption refers to the adoption of children by individuals who prefer romantic partners of the same sex--gays and lesbians. Same-sex adoption is portrayed by the media as being a potentially good thing but with potentially detrimental side effects, most notably for the adopted children. This type of adoption is often made to look as if it might well be done but perhaps should not be for the sake of the children involved. With groups such as the religious right, fundamentalist
Monday, December 16, 2019
To what extent is Chapter 1 of Sense and Sensibility a fitting introduction for the novel to come Free Essays
In this novel, Austen is setting out rules of conduct for women in a time when England was moving from a period a long stability to sudden and total change. Unless people knew how to behave, she thought, chaos would ensue. England was entering the Industrial Revolution, having just seen the French Revolution and the American War of Independence. We will write a custom essay sample on To what extent is Chapter 1 of Sense and Sensibility a fitting introduction for the novel to come? or any similar topic only for you Order Now A new literary style was sweeping the nation, one to which Austen was much opposed: Romanticism. A dichotomy had arisen from the popularity of Romanticism within the literary groups of the time. It is possible to label these two groups as ‘Sense’ and ‘Sensibility’. (The Gothic style also came about at this time, championed by those who had suddenly discovered freedom [both literary and, in some cases, physical] with the fall of oppressive governments surrounding England – Austen also wrote anti-Gothic novels, like Northanger Abbey. ) Austen was definitely in support of ‘Sense’, which this novel shows so clearly. Austen argues her case for sense over sensibility by polarising the main protagonists on the subject. Marianne represents sensibility in all its dramatic, baroque and over-the-top glory, whilst Elinor represents sense (not cold, emotionless logic, but a tactful reason about situations). Although Austen shows the reader the downsides of both poles, sensibility is harshly and heavily punished and in the end sense wins out when Elinor gets to marry the man she wants and Marianne gives up sensibility and accepts an unconvincing happy ending with a socially respectable result. Austen, then, is writing not a novel, but a book of behaviour for women in this tumultuous time, much in keeping with little girls’ conduct books of the time. The first chapter so brilliantly allows for these developments later in the book by not mentioning them at all, or at least not until the closing paragraphs in which the reader is introduced to Elinor and Marianne. This first chapter is primarily concerned in setting up Austen’s character in the book, that of satirical social commentator and moral guide. And this character is set up within the opening paragraph. Austen’s behaviour as author in this chapter almost contradicts Elinor later on. The way the aristocratic Dashwood family interact with each other on human terms is mocked and pulled apart by Austen’s scathing irony; these first paragraphs could almost be in defence of sensibility! Relationships are described in contractual terms: no longer is your son family, he is clientele; no longer do you love, you esteem. Family isn’t about affection, its about affectation. Appearance and finance are all that matter on the Norland estate, respectability and wealth. People are spoken of in terms of utility and actions are taken for the sole purpose of acquiring wealth. Any affection shown with that is an added bonus, purely accidental and by no means essential to the relationship. There is one sentence at the end of the first paragraph in which are contained almost all of the social morays with which Austen holds qualm, and she makes her qualms clear with her irony and diction: â€Å"The constant attention of Mr. And Mrs. Henry Dashwood to his wishes, which proceeded, not merely from interest, but from goodness of heart, gave him every degree of solid comfort his heart could receive†. â€Å"The constant attention†, not constant affection, or even constant love, no, â€Å"constant attention†. They waited on him, served him as best they could to ensure a large chunk of inheritance, but not to worry, they did not do this â€Å"merely from interest, but from goodness of heart†. This sentence does not redeem their greed, but rather reinforces it, that â€Å"merely†adds dimensions to this sentence which implies that even if they were good of heart, they were still selfish and out for all the could get. Finally, the comfort they offer the old man is only â€Å"solid†, no more than materialistic. They do not enrich him spiritually or intellectually, only materially. Austen has now set out the rules for the following novel, without even bringing her protagonists to light. Austen is by far the most important character in the book, and her characterisation, therefore, is the most important. It is essential for the reader to know Austen before the reader knows Elinor or Marianne, or else the aim of this book to teach people how to behave would be lost. The fact that Austen seems to be pulling apart the social order whilst Elinor is in whole-hearted support for retaining the social order may seem perplexing, but I think a solution comes if one understands Austen as a person of moderation. She punishes Elinor also (though less harshly than Marianne) for being too restrained. In so many passages in the book there is an awful feeling of imprisonment on the part of Elinor as she is unable to do anything socially unacceptable. Therefore, there is contradiction between Austen and Elinor, but that is because Elinor is not Austen, she is not perfect or correct or a paragon of what Austen believes correct behaviour for a woman. Sense is supported, but room for emotion must be allowed or one is not human, says Austen, but cold and dead. How to cite To what extent is Chapter 1 of Sense and Sensibility a fitting introduction for the novel to come?, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Theory and Brand Communication free essay sample
To clarify the essay, we are looking for you to show your understanding of two or three models/theories about persuasion in advertising by critically discussing them i. e. how well do they explain persuasion? Do you agree with the theory, or are there some exceptions to the theory perhaps based on adverts you have seen recently? If you are looking at the ELM, why is it a good theory, and why is it bad (what does it NOT explain? ). The trick here is to offset theories against each other i. e. he strengths of one theory (perhaps that it shows a clear process of persuasion) are the weaknesses of another theory. We want you to think! Are you convinced by the theories you have encountered? Which theory makes sense to you? Which theory do you think is a load of rubbish? Do we get persuaded like robots i. e. like the IPA? Are we all just rational information processing units? Or do we subconsciously get persuaded by more irrational things e. We will write a custom essay sample on Theory and Brand Communication or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page g. identification. The dissuasion aspect of the question simply means what is off-putting (dissuading) about an advert. In reference to brand communication, perhaps some theories explain brand communication better than others? Or, perhaps you could critically discuss a model/theory which shows how we are persuaded via brand communication versus a theory which discusses persuasion in general. This raises the question how important is brand communication in advertising? Generally, it is up to you how you structure your essay, but those of you that get good marks for this assignment will: Have a clear introduction, where you signpost what is to come in the essay. A coherent main body, where each paragraph links on from the other and where you have made good use of wider reading * Good use of literature to back up your points * No subheadings please, its not a report * A definitive conclusion where you summarise your argument for which theor(ies) is(are) the best and worst for explaining advertising! The idea is that assignment 1 gets you up to speed with some of the theoretical stuff and then assignment 2 you can apply this knowledge of the theories to help explain why an advert of your choice is effective or not effective.
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